Betsy Rippentrop and Kate Moreland

Talk Title
Who Were You Before You Lost Your Wild Self? How to Thrive Instead of Survive
We all enter the world possessing unique gifts to share with the world.  However, through our culture we become conditioned to lose connection to our inner voice and natural instincts. Is it possible that this loss of authenticity can be reclaimed by re-connecting to our wild essence? Is it possible that like nature, humans need to return to their natural state in order to truly thrive? Dr. Betsy Rippentrop and Kate Moreland unpack the lessons that a rewilding experience in Iceland taught them: tap into the power of your first 10 years, surrender to the unpredictability of life, and hone in on your life purpose.

Speakers Biographies

Betsy Rippentrop, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and certified yoga and meditation teacher who uniquely blends science, psychology, mysticism and spirituality into her work. Her work focuses on guiding people into deeper awareness of their body and mind. Dr. Rippentrop owns Heartland Yoga, and has maintained a psychology practice focused on integrating yoga into treatment for 17 years.  She has published on the relationship between spirituality and health, women’s health,and chronic pain management and is co-author of Chakra Healing:Renew Your Life Force with the Chakras' Seven Energy Centers.

Kate Moreland is an experienced leader, coach and CEO who understands the struggles of career decisions and burn out, and the power of conscious leadership, wellbeing and authenticity. After a decade of practicing law, Kate recognized she needed to make a change. For the past 12 years she has been coaching others as they explore interests, uncover strengths, and consider career and life changes. She is a Lumia Coach, has a certificate in the Science of Wellbeing from Yale, andis certified in the mind-body connection. With significant experience in community and economic development, she is also a master collaborator and is certified in Strategic Doing.

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